Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, December 10, 2023
It Is Time to Sit in Silence before the Manger Awaiting the Celebration of My Birth
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Beloved Jennifer in USA on December 7th, 2023

My child, I tell My children when you see the sign coming forth from Jerusalem, know that My church has entered into My passion. When it appears as though every good and faithful priest, cardinal, and bishop has been stripped of their vestments—their clerics removed for their willingness to defend the true teachings of My church—they too are victims of My passion. My children, evil has accelerated all around this world.
I am not a God of symbols but a God that by great acts of love and mercy sends signs to warn My children, to encourage My people that I am present in all things. My children, the rainbow is not a symbol of pride, it is a sign sent by My Father that He would not punish mankind by flooding the earth by water. It is time to take heed to the signs around you. It is time to sit in silence before the manger awaiting the celebration of My birth. It is there in silence that you will hear My voice and understand the mission you have been sent to do.
Come, My children, and do not allow the world to hinder My plans for you. Mend your broken relationships with your family and pray to My most Holy Family for the grace to heal what has been wounded.
I see your hearts, My children, for the truth of what is in your heart can never be concealed from Me. There are many buildings that sing hymns of praise but there is only one true church where My presence is and will always remain. No force of evil can obstruct this because My passion, death and resurrection resides in every tabernacle of the world fully present body, blood, soul and divinity. Salvation for mankind has been obtained.
My children, come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament. It is there that you are like the wise men coming to adore the king, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
Source: ➥